Message from our CEO

Photonics technology that is kind to people

I entered the Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries to achieve my dream to turn my research outcome into a business. Till then, I had been working for Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. as a researcher and for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a visiting researcher (assigned by Hamamatsu Photonics), and I had been researching holography.
From the experience of starting my own business, I could experience a lot of things such as management, technological development, production management, promotion, sales, capital procurement, taxation accounting, legal affairs, etc. thanks to the opportunities to get “integrated” with so many people. We will kindly keep offering products that integrate photonics technology with holography as the central figure to everyone.
President/Representative Director Takahiro IKEDA
President/Representative Director Takahiro IKEDA

Lessons I’ve learned from establishing
my own business

  • Founding a company is like having a child
  • Get rid of an employee spirit
  • Trust yourself
  • Throw away shame and be foolish sometimes
  • Have a dream, philosophy, something you should protect

Philosophy I’ve developed
from establishing my own business

  • Life is a destiny based on your experience and
    future that you can change with your dream and hope.
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